AMAGO: Scalable In-Context Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Agents

In the realm of Reinforcement Learning (RL), the paper introduces AMAGO, an innovative in-context RL agent designed to tackle the challenges of generalization, long-term memory, and meta-learning. AMAGO utilizes sequence models, specifically Transformers, to learn from entire rollouts in parallel, marking a significant departure from traditional approaches that often require extensive tuning and face scalability issues.


The paper begins by highlighting the shift in RL research towards creating generalist agents capable of adapting to various environments. AMAGO stands out by employing in-context learning, where the agent uses memory to adapt its understanding and behavior based on past experiences, thereby addressing partial observability, generalization, and meta-learning within a unified framework.

Understanding the Frameworks: MDP, POMDP, and CMDP

The paper delves into the intricacies of decision-making processes, spotlighting three pivotal frameworks: Markov Decision Processes (MDP), Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDP), and Contextual Markov Decision Processes (CMDP). Each framework offers unique insights into how agents perceive and interact with their environments, adapting their strategies to maximize rewards.

Markov Decision Process (MDP): Classic Gridworld

In the MDP framework, agents operate with full knowledge of their environment's state. An example is the Classic Gridworld: - States: Grid cells (e.g., A1, A2, B1, B2) - Actions: Move North, South, East, West - Transitions: Moving North in A1 leads to B1, with deterministic or probabilistic outcomes. - Rewards: Specific cells offer rewards, like B2 granting +1.

Here, the agent's goal might be to navigate to B2, leveraging its complete state awareness to make informed decisions.

Partially Observable MDP (POMDP): Foggy Gridworld

POMDPs introduce uncertainty in state observation, complicating decision-making. The Foggy Gridworld exemplifies this: - States: Same grid cells - Actions: Same directional movements - Observations: Agents receive vague indicators like 'near B2' instead of exact locations due to "fog."

Agents must infer their precise positions from these partial observations, navigating the grid despite the uncertainty.

Contextual MDP (CMDP): Adaptive Gridworld

CMDPs layer in environmental contexts that influence dynamics and rewards, as seen in the Adaptive Gridworld: - States: Grid cells - Actions: Same directional movements - Contexts: Conditions like 'icy' or 'night' affecting movement success and rewards. - Transitions and Rewards: Altered based on the context, like 'icy' making cells slippery.

Agents in this framework adapt their strategies to the current context, such as taking safer paths in 'icy' conditions or seeking shelter during 'night.'

These frameworks underpin the paper's exploration of adaptive agent behavior, showcasing how agents can learn and optimize their strategies within varying degrees of environmental knowledge and uncertainty.

Bridging Frameworks with In-Context RL

In-context RL emerges as a powerful paradigm that bridges the gaps between MDP, POMDP, and CMDP frameworks. It extends the MDP model by integrating memory and adaptation capabilities, allowing agents to learn from and respond to a series of observations and actions, rather than making decisions based solely on the current state. This approach addresses the limitations of POMDPs by enabling agents to infer unobservable state aspects from historical data, enhancing their ability to operate in environments with partial observability.

Furthermore, in-context RL adapts the CMDP framework to manage varying environmental contexts by treating them as extensions of POMDPs with additional inputs. This allows agents to dynamically update their understanding of the environment and its context at every timestep, using their memory to guide decision-making. By doing so, in-context RL equips agents with the flexibility to adapt their policies based on the comprehensive context of their interactions with the environment, paving the way for more nuanced and effective strategies across diverse and changing conditions.

On-Policy vs Off-Policy Learning in AMAGO

AMAGO's design as an off-policy learning algorithm is a deliberate choice, aimed at maximizing the efficiency and diversity of data utilization. This approach enables AMAGO to learn from vast datasets, including those not generated by the current policy, which is particularly beneficial for handling sparse rewards and goal-conditioned problems. Off-policy learning allows for the reuse of experiences, making it possible to train on a wide range of scenarios and improving sample efficiency.

Advantages of Off-Policy Learning in AMAGO

On-Policy Learning: An Alternative Approach

While AMAGO benefits from the off-policy approach, it's worth considering what an on-policy version might entail: - Alignment with Current Policy: On-policy learning ensures that the data used for training is always representative of the current policy's behavior, potentially leading to more stable learning updates. - Simplicity: On-policy methods are often simpler to implement and reason about, as the data collection and learning process are tightly coupled with the current policy's actions.

Trade-offs and Considerations

Incorporating an on-policy learning mechanism into AMAGO would require significant adjustments, particularly in data collection and utilization strategies. Such a shift would trade off some of the off-policy benefits for the potential gains in stability and alignment with the current policy. However, the choice between on-policy and off-policy learning should be guided by the specific challenges and goals of the application at hand, balancing the need for efficient data use, learning stability, and adaptability.

Meta-RL, In-Context RL, and AMAGO: Bridging Complex Learning Paradigms

Understanding the distinctions and connections between Meta-RL and in-context RL is pivotal for appreciating AMAGO's contributions to the field.

Meta-RL: Learning to Learn

Meta-Reinforcement Learning (Meta-RL) is a sophisticated paradigm where agents are trained not just on a single task but across a variety of tasks, enabling them to learn new tasks rapidly with minimal additional data. The essence of Meta-RL is in teaching agents the process of learning itself, allowing for swift adaptation to new environments or challenges based on prior experience.

Example: Task Adaptation

Consider an agent trained in a variety of maze environments. In Meta-RL, the agent learns underlying strategies for maze navigation that can be quickly adapted to a new, unseen maze, demonstrating a form of learning efficiency and flexibility that goes beyond traditional RL's task-specific training.

In-Context RL: Adaptation Through Experience

In-context RL expands the traditional RL framework by allowing agents to use their history of interactions within an environment to inform current decisions. This approach enables agents to adapt dynamically to new situations based on contextual cues and past experiences, enhancing their ability to handle complex, changing environments.

Example: Dynamic Environment Navigation

An in-context RL agent navigating a dynamic environment, such as a changing traffic pattern, uses its past experiences (e.g., previous traffic conditions, successful routes) to make informed decisions in real-time, adjusting its route based on current traffic conditions.

AMAGO: A Convergence of Paradigms

AMAGO stands at the intersection of these advanced learning paradigms, embodying the principles of in-context RL while embracing the adaptive, task-generalization ethos of Meta-RL. It leverages sequence models like Transformers to process entire rollouts, enabling the agent to learn from a rich tapestry of past experiences and adapt its strategies across a wide range of tasks.

Incorporating Goal-Conditioned Learning with Hindsight Relabeling

One of the innovative aspects of AMAGO is its use of goal-conditioned learning, particularly enhanced by a technique known as Hindsight Instruction Relabeling. This approach is detailed in the paper's Algorithm 1, which outlines how AMAGO generates training data in multi-goal domains by relabeling trajectories with alternative instructions based on hindsight outcomes. This not only addresses reward sparsity but also amplifies the learning signal from existing data by recycling the same experiences with various instructions.

Algorithm 1: Simplified Hindsight Instruction Relabeling

  1. Input: A trajectory \( \tau \) with a goal sequence \( g = (g_0, ..., g_k) \) of length \( k \).
  2. Step 1: Determine \( n \), the number of steps in \( g \) successfully completed by \( \tau \).
  3. Step 2: Identify \( (t_{g_0}, ..., t_{g_n}) \), the timesteps where each sub-goal of \( g \) was achieved.
  4. Step 3: Choose \( h \), the number of hindsight goals to insert, from the range \([0, k - n]\).
  5. Step 4: Sample \( h \) alternative goals and their respective timesteps from \( \tau \).
  6. Step 5: Sort and insert the new goals into the original sequence in chronological order.
  7. Step 6: Replay \( \tau \) with the new goal sequence \( r \), recomputing rewards and terminals.

This relabeling technique is particularly effective in sparse goal-conditioned domains, where success can be evaluated with simple rules. It extends the concept of Hindsight Experience Replay (HER) to more complex scenarios involving sequences of goals, demonstrating AMAGO's versatility in goal-oriented learning.

Decision Transformer and AMAGO

The introduction of the Decision Transformer marked a significant step forward in applying Transformer models to reinforcement learning. By framing RL as a sequence modeling problem, it paved the way for techniques that leverage the powerful capabilities of Transformers for RL tasks.

AMAGO extends the concept to in-context learning scenarios. Unlike the Decision Transformer, which primarily focuses on learning optimal sequences of actions from past trajectories, AMAGO integrates goal-conditioned learning and in-context adaptation. This allows AMAGO to not only learn from past experiences but also to adapt its strategy dynamically based on the current context and goals, providing a more nuanced and flexible approach to complex RL tasks.

Key Differences

Technical Contributions

AMAGO's core innovation lies in its redesign of the off-policy actor-critic update mechanism, enabling the training of long-sequence Transformers efficiently and effectively. This approach breaks free from the bottlenecks of memory capacity and model scalability that have traditionally hindered in-context RL agents.


The paper details the AMAGO framework, emphasizing its ability to handle a wide range of problems through sparse rewards and off-policy data, extending in-context learning to goal-conditioned problems. Key to its design is the use of a unified goal-conditioned CMDP format and a single Transformer model for both actor and critic functions, simplifying the learning update process.


AMAGO's performance is rigorously evaluated in meta-RL and memory benchmarks, showcasing its superior capabilities in long-term memory domains and goal-conditioned environments. The experiments highlight AMAGO's flexibility and efficiency, demonstrating state-of-the-art results in the POPGym suite and promising outcomes in new benchmarks designed to test goal-conditioned adaptation.


AMAGO represents a significant advancement in in-context RL, offering a scalable and high-performance solution for training RL agents over long contexts. Its open-source availability and the demonstrated success across diverse benchmarks make it a valuable asset for future RL research and applications.



Created 2024-02-26T22:26:28-08:00, updated 2024-02-28T10:41:27-08:00 · History · Edit