Decision Transformer: Reinforcement Learning via Sequence Modeling

The key idea is to reframe RL as a sequence modeling problem, allowing the use of powerful transformer architectures and language modeling advances.


In standard RL, the goal is to learn a policy that maximizes expected return by either estimating a value function (e.g. Q-learning) or directly optimizing the policy (e.g. policy gradients). Decision Transformer takes a different approach - it uses a causally masked transformer to directly output optimal actions conditioned on desired return, past states, and past actions.

Concretely, states, actions, and returns-to-go are embedded and fed into a GPT-style transformer. The model is trained to predict the next action token in an autoregressive way. Crucially, by conditioning on the desired return, the model can generate future actions to achieve that return. This avoids the need for dynamic programming or policy gradients.


The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach. On Atari, OpenAI Gym, and Key-to-Door tasks, Decision Transformer matches or exceeds strong model-free offline RL baselines like Conservative Q-Learning (CQL). It performs particularly well on tasks requiring long-term credit assignment.

Comparison to SOTA RL Algorithms

  1. Sequence modeling vs. traditional RL methods: Decision Transformer's sequence modeling approach offers several advantages over traditional value function or policy gradient methods. It avoids the instability issues of bootstrapping and the "deadly triad" in RL, and does not require discounting of future rewards which can lead to short-sighted behavior. The transformer architecture is scalable and well-studied, allowing Decision Transformer to potentially benefit from advances in language and vision domains.

  2. Performance in online RL settings: While Decision Transformer shows impressive results in offline RL benchmarks, its performance in online RL settings remains to be explored. SOTA online RL algorithms have been specifically designed to handle exploration, adaptability, and fast convergence. Future work could investigate how Decision Transformer can be adapted to online settings and compare its performance to these algorithms.

  3. Handling long-term credit assignment and sparse rewards: Decision Transformer demonstrates effectiveness in tasks requiring long-term credit assignment and sparse reward settings, thanks to the self-attention mechanism of transformers. However, other RL algorithms, such as hierarchical RL or intrinsic motivation-based methods, have been specifically designed to tackle these challenges. A deeper comparison of Decision Transformer to these methods would be valuable to understand its relative strengths and weaknesses.

  4. Computational complexity and scalability: The computational complexity and memory requirements of Decision Transformer, especially in high-dimensional state and action spaces, remain to be analyzed. While transformers are known for their scalability, they can also be computationally demanding. Comparing the resource requirements of Decision Transformer to SOTA RL algorithms would provide insights into its practical applicability.

  5. Extension to other RL paradigms: The Decision Transformer paper focuses on offline RL settings, but the ideas could potentially be extended to other RL paradigms, such as multi-agent RL, model-based RL, or transfer learning. Investigating how Decision Transformer can be adapted to these settings and comparing its performance to SOTA algorithms in these domains would broaden its impact and reveal its versatility.


Overall, reframing RL as sequence modeling is a very promising direction. Decision Transformer leverages the power of transformers to provide a simple yet effective approach to offline RL. The ideas can likely extend to online RL and other paradigms as well. While the initial results are impressive, further research is needed to fully understand its potential and limitations compared to SOTA RL algorithms. Decision Transformer opens up an exciting new avenue for RL research, bridging the gap between sequence modeling and decision making.



Created 2024-03-14T05:09:25-07:00 · Edit