Socratic Method Prompt Templates for LLM Interactions

The application of Socratic methods to LLMs like GPT-4 can significantly enhance their ability to process and interpret complex inquiries. Here's how some of these prompt templates can be applied:

Elenchus (Socratic Refutation) Prompt Template

sh "I noticed your response assumes [state assumption]. Can you provide evidence or reasoning to support this assumption? Or might there be an alternative explanation?"

Maieutics (Socratic Midwifery) Prompt Template

sh "You've mentioned [state concept]. Can we delve deeper into this idea? What are the underlying principles or facts that lead to this conclusion?"

Dialectic Method Prompt Template

sh "You've presented the perspective of [state perspective]. Can you explore a contrasting viewpoint? How might someone with an opposite view argue this case?"

Inductive Reasoning Prompt Template:

sh "Based on the specific examples of [state examples], what general conclusion can we draw? How do these instances represent a broader trend or principle?"

Definitional Inquiry Prompt Template:

sh "Can you define [state key term] in this context? How does its meaning here differ from other contexts or common usage?"

Hypothetical Reasoning Prompt Template

sh "Let's consider a hypothetical scenario where [describe scenario]. How would this situation affect our discussion or the conclusion we are drawing?"

Counterfactual Reasoning Prompt Template

sh "Imagine if [state a different occurrence or decision]. How would this change the outcome or the argument you're presenting? What would be different?"

Ad Hominem Challenge Prompt Template

sh "The source of this information appears to be [state source]. How might the origin of this information influence its reliability or bias? Are there alternative, more neutral sources?"


Created 2024-01-06T09:53:18-08:00, updated 2024-02-06T05:28:51-08:00 · History · Edit