Self-Discover: Large Language Models Self-Compose Reasoning Structures

The realm of artificial intelligence has witnessed a significant breakthrough with the introduction of the SELF-DISCOVER framework, a novel approach that empowers Large Language Models (LLMs) to autonomously uncover and employ intrinsic reasoning structures. This advancement is poised to redefine how AI systems tackle complex reasoning challenges, offering a more efficient and interpretable method compared to traditional prompting techniques.

The Genesis of SELF-DISCOVER

Developed by a collaborative team of researchers, SELF-DISCOVER addresses the limitations of existing prompting methods by enabling LLMs to self-compose atomic reasoning modules into coherent reasoning structures. This process is inspired by human cognitive strategies, where multiple problem-solving skills are synthesized to approach a given task.


The SELF-DISCOVER framework operates in two pivotal stages:

  1. Discovery of Reasoning Structure: LLMs identify and integrate relevant atomic reasoning modules, such as critical thinking and step-by-step analysis, to form a task-specific reasoning blueprint.
  2. Application to Problem-Solving: Armed with the discovered structure, LLMs apply it to solve individual task instances, enhancing both accuracy and interpretability.

Stage 1: Self-Discover Task-Specific Structures in Detail

Stage 1 of SELF-DISCOVER is where the foundation for problem-solving is built, consisting of three crucial steps: SELECT, ADAPT, and IMPLEMENT.


The process begins with the SELECT step, where the LLM sifts through a set of reasoning modules to choose those most relevant to the task at hand. For instance, when faced with a complex mathematical problem, the LLM might select modules such as "Break the problem into sub-problems" and "Use critical thinking" as foundational elements for constructing a solution.


Following selection, the ADAPT phase involves refining the chosen modules to tailor them more precisely to the specifics of the task. This might involve transforming the general directive "Break the problem into sub-problems" into a more actionable and task-specific instruction like "Identify numbers and operations in the word problem and determine the sequence of operations."


With adapted modules in hand, the IMPLEMENT step is where these modules are organized into a coherent and structured reasoning pathway. This pathway serves as a blueprint for the LLM to follow when solving the task, laying out each step of the process in a logical order, such as identifying problem components, analyzing relationships, and synthesizing the solution.

Example Reasoning Structure

An example reasoning structure for solving a math word problem might look like this:

```json { "Identify Numbers and Operations": "Extract all numerical values and mathematical symbols.", "Determine Sequence of Operations": "Based on order of operations, decide which calculations to perform first.", "Perform Operations": "Carry out the mathematical calculations in the determined sequence.", "Final Answer": "State the final result of the calculations as the solution to the word problem." }

Stage 2: Solve Problems Using Discovered Structure on Instance-Level

In Stage 2, the LLM applies the discovered reasoning structure to individual task instances, systematically filling in each part of the structure to arrive at a solution.

Empirical Evidence of Superiority

Rigorous testing across various reasoning benchmarks, including Big Bench-Hard (BBH), Thinking for Doing (T4D), and MATH, has demonstrated the effectiveness of SELF-DISCOVER. The framework significantly outperforms traditional methods like Chain of Thought (CoT) and inference-heavy approaches, achieving up to 32% improvement in performance with substantially reduced computational demands.

Implications for Future AI Research The success of SELF-DISCOVER heralds a new era in AI reasoning, where models can autonomously develop and refine their problem-solving strategies. This capability not only enhances performance across diverse tasks but also aligns AI reasoning more closely with human-like interpretability and efficiency.

Comparing SELF-DISCOVER and PromptBreeder

While exploring advancements in AI problem-solving, it's crucial to understand the distinct methodologies embodied by SELF-DISCOVER and PromptBreeder. Both aim to enhance the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) but diverge significantly in their approach and underlying philosophy.

SELF-DISCOVER: Enhancing Internal Reasoning Processes

SELF-DISCOVER is designed to empower LLMs to autonomously construct and utilize reasoning structures for complex problem-solving. This framework draws on the model's ability to introspect and organize its reasoning through structured pathways, thereby enhancing its problem-solving capabilities from within.

PromptBreeder: Evolving External Prompts

On the other hand, PromptBreeder introduces a novel approach to prompt evolution, where the system autonomously explores and refines prompts to improve the LLM's performance across various domains​【oaicite:0】​.

Key Distinctions

Understanding these differences is pivotal in appreciating the diverse strategies AI researchers employ to push the boundaries of what LLMs can achieve. Both SELF-DISCOVER and PromptBreeder represent significant steps forward, albeit in divergent directions: one enhancing the model's internal reasoning faculties and the other optimizing the external prompts to better guide the model's responses.

Utilizing Reasoning Modules: SELF-DISCOVER vs. PromptBreeder

While both SELF-DISCOVER and PromptBreeder leverage reasoning modules to enhance problem-solving capabilities of LLMs, their approaches and methodologies differ significantly.

SELF-DISCOVER: Structuring Reasoning Pathways

SELF-DISCOVER employs reasoning modules to construct a detailed reasoning structure that guides the LLM through the problem-solving process. For example, consider the reasoning module "Let’s think step by step." In SELF-DISCOVER, this module would be part of a larger, task-specific reasoning structure that the LLM autonomously composes. This structure might look something like:

json { "Identify Problem Components": "", "Analyze Relationships": "", "Determine Solution Steps": "Let’s think step by step", "Synthesize Solution": "" }

Here, "Let’s think step by step" is integrated as a crucial part of the LLM's reasoning pathway, guiding it through a systematic approach to the problem.

PromptBreeder: Evolving Task-Prompts

PromptBreeder, on the other hand, uses reasoning modules more dynamically as part of its evolutionary algorithm to generate and evolve task-prompts. An initial task-prompt might combine a reasoning module with a mutation-prompt, such as "Let’s think step by step" with "Make a variant of the prompt." This could result in an evolved task-prompt like​​:

bash "Make a variant of the prompt. Let’s think step by step. INSTRUCTION: Solve the math word problem giving your answer as an arabic numeral."

In this case, the reasoning module "Let’s think step by step" is used not as a fixed part of a structured reasoning pathway but as a component of a task-prompt that is subject to evolution. The aim is to find the most effective way of eliciting the desired response from the LLM through prompt adaptation.

Key Differences in Utilization

SELF-DISCOVER: Reasoning modules are integral parts of a predefined reasoning structure that the LLM follows, representing a more static and structured use of these modules within a problem-solving context. PromptBreeder: Reasoning modules are components of task-prompts that are evolved over time, representing a more dynamic and adaptive use of these modules to optimize the LLM's responses. Both approaches showcase innovative ways of leveraging reasoning modules to improve LLMs' problem-solving capabilities, each with its unique strengths and applications.


SELF-DISCOVER stands as a testament to the evolving synergy between AI and human cognitive frameworks, promising to unlock new frontiers in artificial intelligence research and application. As we continue to explore and refine this approach, the potential for more intuitive and powerful AI systems becomes increasingly tangible.



Created 2024-02-25T08:18:48-08:00 · Edit