BayJarvis: Blogs on search

paper Evolutionary Optimization of Model Merging Recipes - 2024-03-24

The field of large language models (LLMs) has witnessed a paradigm shift with the advent of model merging, a novel approach that combines multiple LLMs into a unified architecture without additional training, offering a cost-effective strategy for new model development. This technique has sparked a surge in experimentation due to its potential to democratize the development of foundational models. However, the reliance on human intuition and domain knowledge in model merging has been a limiting factor, calling for a more systematic method to explore new model combinations. …

paper Branching Beyond PPO: How MCTS Sprouts Superior Text Generation - 2023-11-05

We've all been there - diligently using Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) for text generation, only to wonder if there's more to be extracted from our models. If you've been in this boat, you're in for a treat! A recent paper under review for ICLR 2024 offers some intriguing insights. …