Efficient Memory Management for Large Language Model Serving with PagedAttention


The paper introduces a novel approach to optimize memory usage in serving Large Language Models (LLMs) through a method called PagedAttention, inspired by virtual memory and paging techniques in operating systems. This method addresses the significant memory waste in existing systems due to inefficient handling of key-value (KV) cache memory, which is crucial for the performance of LLMs.

Key Points

Addressing Memory Inefficiency

Challenges in Current Systems

The Advent of PagedAttention

The vLLM Serving System

Enhancing Throughput and Accuracy

Efficient Memory Utilization

Versatility in Decoding Algorithms

Broad Algorithmic Support

Comprehensive Evaluation

Benchmarking and Results

Understanding PagedAttention

PagedAttention is a novel memory management technique that draws inspiration from the concept of virtual memory and paging used in operating systems to efficiently manage memory resources. In traditional LLM serving systems, the management of KV cache memory is often inefficient, leading to substantial memory waste and limiting system throughput. PagedAttention seeks to overcome these challenges by introducing a more flexible and efficient way to handle KV cache memory.

How PagedAttention Works

PagedAttention segments the KV cache associated with each request into fixed-size blocks, similar to how an operating system divides its memory into pages. This division allows for dynamic allocation of memory, where blocks can be allocated and freed as needed, significantly reducing memory wastage.

Example of PagedAttention in Action

Imagine an LLM serving system processing a request to generate text based on a given prompt. As the model generates each new token (word or character), it needs to store the associated KV pairs in memory. Traditional systems might allocate a large, contiguous block of memory for these KV pairs, leading to inefficiency, especially if the actual output is shorter than anticipated.

With PagedAttention, instead of reserving a large contiguous memory space, the system divides the memory into smaller blocks. As the model generates tokens, it only allocates additional blocks if necessary. This approach not only minimizes wasted space but also makes it easier to share memory between similar requests, further enhancing memory utilization.

Incorporating PagedAttention into vLLM

The vLLM serving system integrates PagedAttention to revolutionize memory management in LLM serving. By adopting the dynamic and efficient memory allocation strategy of PagedAttention, vLLM significantly improves throughput and scalability, handling a wider array of requests more effectively.

Impact on LLM Serving

The adoption of PagedAttention within vLLM leads to a remarkable improvement in memory efficiency, allowing for a larger number of requests to be processed concurrently without compromising on performance. This enhancement is particularly beneficial for applications requiring real-time responses, such as chatbots and translation services.


The paper presents an innovative solution to a critical bottleneck in LLM serving, offering a scalable and efficient approach to memory management that can adapt to the growing demands of LLM applications. By addressing the inefficiencies in KV cache memory management, PagedAttention and vLLM pave the way for more cost-effective and efficient deployment of LLMs, making them more accessible for a wide range of applications.



Created 2024-03-25T21:30:22-07:00 · Edit